Areas of Specialization:
Formal Epistemology (esp. philosophy of probability and decision theory), Epistemology, Mathematical Logic (esp. set theory), Philosophy of Mathematics
Areas of Competence:
Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Logic
Associate Professor, UC Irvine, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Professor, Texas A&M University, Department of Philosophy, August 2014-2023 (Assoc. Prof. 2014-2021; Full Prof. 2021-2023; Associate Head of Department, 2016-2017; Director of Graduate Studies, 2017-2020; Associate Director of Graduate Studies 2020-2023)
Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, Department of Philosophy, January 2009-June 2014
Academic Coordinator, Canada/USA Mathcamp, July-August 2010
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy, June-Dec 2008, July-Dec 2009
PhD, UC Berkeley, Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science, May 2008
Visiting Student, ANU RSSS Philosophy, July-Aug 2005, June 2006, June 2007
BA, Philosophy and Music, Stanford University, May 2002
BS, Mathematics, Stanford University, May 2002
Study Abroad, Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, Fall 2000
See Research page
See Teaching page
Honors and Awards
"Referee of the Year", from the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2019)
Delivered first annual Patrick Suppes Lectures in Memory of Ernest Nagel, Columbia University (2017)
Fellow of the Kavli Frontiers of Science program (2016)
"Dr. Truthlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bayesian Probabilities" selected as one of Ten Best Papers in Philosophy in 2015 by The Philosopher's Annual
"Decision Theory without Representation Theorems" selected as one of Ten Best Papers in Philosophy in 2014 by The Philosopher's Annual
UC Chancellor’s Dissertation Year Fellowship (declined, in order to take Mellon/ACLS) (2007-8)
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award, UC Berkeley (2006)
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists fellowship (2002-4)
Fifth Place Team, William Lowell Putnam math competition (2001)
Honorable Mention, William Lowell Putnam math competition (1998)
Associate Editor for Episteme, 2013-
Area Editor for Ergo, 2013-
Associate Editor for Philosophy of Science, 2023-
Editorial board for Philosophy of Science, 2015-2022
co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2017-2020
Epistemology editor for Philosophy Compass, 2015-2019
Conference Organization
Program Committee co-chair (with Meghan Sullivan), American Philosophical Association, Central Division, 2023
Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, 2022
Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, 2021
Program Committee, Formal Epistemology Workshop, May 2020 (moved online)
Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, April 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19)
Program Committee, Formal Epistemology Workshop, June 2019
Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, April 2019
Co-Organizer, Fifth Texas Epistemology eXtravaganza, April 2019
Co-organizer, Fourth Texas Epistemology eXtravaganza, April 2018
Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, March 2018
Program Committee, AAAI/ACM conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, February 2018
Session Organizer, Proofs in Mathematical Practice, Association for Symbolic Logic, March 2017
Co-organizer, Third Texas Epistemology eXtravaganza, April 2017
Program Committee, Philosophy of Science Association, November 2016
Co-organizer, Second Texas Epistemology eXtravaganza, April 2016
Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, March 2016
Program committee, 12th annual Formal Epistemology Workshop, Washington University in St. Louis, 2015
Organizer, 11th annual Formal Epistemology Workshop, USC, 2014
Program committee, 5th annual Formal Epistemology Festival, University of Toronto, 2013
Program committee, Association for Symbolic Logic winter meeting, 2013
Program committee, 4th annual Formal Epistemology Festival, University of Konstanz, 2012
Organizer, 8th annual Formal Epistemology Workshop, USC, 2011
Other Professional Activities
Member, APA Central Division, Executive Committee, 2021-2024
Member, APA Committee on LGBT People in the Profession, 2014-2020
Grant reviewing
2020: Swiss National Science Foundation
2019: Swiss National Science Foundation
2018: Israel Science Foundation
2017: Agence National de Recherche, Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst, Czech Science Foundation, Germany-Israel Fund, Polish Research Agency
2016: Templeton Transformative Experience Project, European Research Council, Flanders
Tenure letters for 18 philosophy departments
Book refereeing for Oxford University Press
Journal referee for dozens of journals, especially Philosophy of Science, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, and Erkenntnis
University committee Texas A&M Former Students Association Distinguished Graduate Student Awards 2019
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews
Graduate Supervision
Dissertation supervision:
Justin Dallmann (USC), 2015
Sean Conte (Texas A&M), 2023
Dissertation committees:
Rima Basu (USC), May 2018
Brian Knab (UT Austin), April 2018
Bill D'Alessandro (UIC), August 2017
Nick diBella (Stanford), June 2016
Justin Sharber (Rutgers), August 2014
Julia Staffel (USC), March 2013
Janet Anderson (USC linguistics), May 2012
Johannes Schmidt (USC), April 2012
MA supervision:
Saleh Afroogh (Texas A&M), May 2019
MA committees:
Katie Petrik (Texas A&M), March 2016